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第一章 总 则

  第一条 为规范全市行政规范性文件制定程序备案审查和评估工作,加强对行政规范性文件的监督和管理,促使规范性文件的制定、备案和评估工作科学化、制度化、规范化,提高行政规范性文件质量,严格依法行政,根据《中华人民共和国地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府组织法》、《四川省行政执法监督条例》、《四川省行政规范性文件制定和备案规定》等有关法律、法规、规章的规定,结合我市实际,制定本办法。
  第二条 本办法所称行政规范性文件,是指我市有制定权的行政机关或组织依据法定权限,为实施法律、法规、规章和上级行政规范性文件,按照规定程序制定的涉及公民、法人或其它组织权利和义务,公开发布并重复适用的具有普遍约束力的行政文件。

第二章 制定程序

  第三条 行政机关制定行政规范性文件应当遵循下列原则:
  第四条 行政规范性文件一般用条文形式表述,也可用段落形式表述。行政规范性文件应当使用“规定”、“决定”、“办法”、 “细则”、“公告”、“通告”等名称。
  第五条 行政规范文件的内容应当明确、具体、具有可操作性,不得与法律、法规、规章和国家的方针、政策相抵触。
  第六条 市政府可以制定下列行政规范性文件:
  第七条 各县(市、区)人民政府和市政府工作部门为履行工作职责,贯彻实施有关法律、法规、规章和上级机关行政规范性文件,可以制定具体实施办法。
  第八条 市人民政府法制办公室负责对市人民政府颁发的行政规范性文件进行审查、修改。
  第九条 市政府各工作部门根据本部门工作重点和实际需要,在每年11月底前向市政府法制办公室提交下年度需要市政府出台或经市政府批准出台的行政规范性文件计划。
  第十条 市人民政府法制办公室对报送的行政规范性文件计划,综合平衡,审查论证,分轻重缓急,编制市政府第二年度行政规范性文件计划(草案),报市政府批准。
  第十一条 经市人民政府批准的行政规范性文件制定计划,由各有关部门组织实施,市人民政府法制办公室负责指导、监督。凡未列入制定计划的行政规范性文件,一般在该年度不予出台;因特殊情况需要出台的,由市政府法制办公室对计划作适当调整,报经市人民政府同意后方可纳入制定范围。
  第十二条 列入计划制定的行政规范性文件起草部门应由领导负责,由熟悉业务、精通法律的同志起草。文件内容与几个部门工作紧密相关的,由主管部门牵头,有关部门组织人员参加共同起草。
  第十三条 行政规范性文件草案一般应当明确以下内容:制定的目的和依据、适用范围、主管部门、具体规范、法律责任、解释权属、实施细则、制定权属、施行日期等。
  第十四条 行政规范性文件的条文表述、结构组成要严格执行《国家行政机关公文处理办法》的规定。
  第十五条 起草行政规范性文件,应当征求相关机关、组织和管理相对人或者专家的意见。重大或者关系人民群众切身利益的行政规范性文件草案,要严格执行市政府重大行政决策出台的相关制度,要通过网站、报刊等媒体向社会公布行政规范性文件草案,或者采取调研、听证会、论证会、座谈会等方式向社会广泛听取意见。
  第十六条 起草行政规范性文件,应当对现行内容相同的行政规范性文件进行清理,
  第十七条 公民、法人或者其他组织对行政规范文件草案内容提出重要意见的,起草部门应当予以研究处理。
  第十八条 行政规范性文件草案拟成后,起草单位应当写出起草说明,内容包括制定该文的必要性、可行性、起草的依据和经过,主要条款和其他需要说明的问题。对于有争议的问题,必须如实反映,说明协商经过和各方意见,并提出解决问题的具体方案。
  第十九条 政府部门发布行政规范性文件,应当由起草部门的法制机构审查,提出审查意见报部门领导集体讨论通过,并由其主要负责人签署。
  第二十条 报送市政府制定的行政规范性文件,草案由起草部门报送,两个以上部门联合起草的,由主办单位负责报送,并提供下列材料:
  第二十一条 行政规范性文件制定机关的法制机构负责对行政规范性文件草案进行审查,审查的重点:
  第二十二条 政府法制机构在审查行政规范性文件草案过程中,根据需要,可以征求政府相关部门或下级人民政府的意见。征求意见采用书面和座谈会两种形式。政府相关部门或者下级人民政府在收到政府法制机构行政规范性文件征求意见函后,应在规定的时间内认真研究,经主要负责人或主要负责人委托的副职领导签署意见并加盖公章后反馈政府法制机构。各相关部门接到政府法制机构召开行政规范性文件座谈会通知后,应认真做好准备,按要求派员参加会议,陈述本单位意见。因故不能参加的,必须在会议前一天送达书面修改意见,凡无故不按要求提出书面或口头修改意见的,一律视为无意见。
  第二十三条 政府法制机构在审查行政规范性文件草案过程中,发现有下列情况之一的,退回起草部门修改、完善后再报送。
  第二十四条 对行政规范性文件草案中存在争议的问题,由本级政府法制机构召集相关部门进行协调,经协调一致的,按共同协商的意见办理,对协调未果仍有争议的报请本级人民政府决定。
  第二十五条 本级政府法制机构对行政规范性文件草案审查终结并提出审查修改意见,报送本级人民政府审议。
  第二十六条 市人民政府制定行政规范性文件应当经市政府常务会议审议通过后,由政府首长签署发布。
  第二十七条 市政府常务会议审议行政规范性文件时,由起草部门负责人作起草说明,市政府法制办公室负责人作审查说明。
  第二十八条 市政府行政规范性文件经审议决定后,由制定机关行政首长签发并可以“政府令”的形式向社会公布。
  第二十九条 制定的行政规范性文件应当在政府公报、报纸或者政府网站上公布。未向社会公布的,不得作为行政管理的依据。
  第三十条 行政规范性文件应当自公布之日起30日以后施行,但因保障国家安全,重大公共利益的需要,或者公布后不立即施行将有碍法律、法规、规章和国家的方针、政策执行的除外。
  第三十一条 因发生重大灾害事件、保障公共安全和重大公共利益、执行上级行政机关的紧急命令和决定等情况,需要立即制定行政规范性文件的,经制定机关行政首长批准,可以简化制定程序。

第三章 备案审查

  第三十二条 除法律、法规、规章另有规定的外,行政规范性文件应当在发布后30日内,按下列规定报送备案。
  第三十三条 各级政府法制部门具体负责下级人民政府和本级人民政府各工作部门行政规范性文件的备案审查和管理工作。
  第三十四条 行政规范性文件,应当提交备案报告1份,正式文件和起草说明书各一式5份,并附相关法律、法规、规章、政策依据。
  第三十五条 行政规范性文件备案审查中发现的问题,由备案审查机关按下列规定处理。
  第三十六条 对不按规定报送行政规范性文件备案的,由备案审查机关责令限期改正并予通报批评;视情节和所造成后果,由有关部门追究其行政责任。
  第三十七条 行政规范性文件制定机关应当于每年一月底前将上一年度制定的规范性文件目录一式2份报备案审查机关备查。
  第三十八条 行政规范性文件是否按规定程序制定,行政规范性文件及目录是否按本办法报送备案、备查,将作为目标考核的重要内容之一纳入年终行政执法责任制考核。

第四章 评 估

  第三十九条 行政规范性文件应当实行定期评估制度。
  第四十条 行政规范性文件的评估实行“谁制定、谁评估”的原则。凡新颁布的行政规范性文件施行满一年后的三个月内,制定机关应当对该行政规范性文件的实施情况进行评估,评估意见报上级政府法制机构审查、备案。
  第四十一条 行政规范性文件评估的主要内容是:
  第四十二条 行政规范性文件在执行中如有下列情况之一的,应当予以修订或废止;

第五章 附 则

  第四十三条 本办法由市政府法制办公室负责解释。
  第四十四条 本办法自发布之日起施行。2003年4月6日公布的《南充市人民政府制定规范性文件程序及案审查规定》(南充市人民政府令第1号)同时废止。

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Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council of the People's Republic of China
on July 19, 1983 and promulgated by the State Administration of Foreign
Exchange Control on August 1, 1983)
Article 1
These Rules are formulated for implementing the provisions of Chapter V of
the Interim Regulations on Foreign Exchange Control of the People's
Republic of China.
Article 2
In Chapter V of the Interim Regulations on Foreign Exchange Control of the
People's Republic of China, the term "enterprises with overseas Chinese
capital" refers to corporations, enterprises or other economic entities
registered in China with overseas Chinese capital or capital of
compatriots in the Hongkong and Macao regions, and managed independently
or jointly with Chinese enterprises; the term "foreign-capital
enterprises" refers to corporations, enterprises or other economic
entities registered in China with foreign capital, and managed
independently or jointly with Chinese enterprises; the term "Chinese-
foreign equity joint ventures" refers to enterprises jointly established,
owned and run in China by corporations, enterprises, other economic
entities or individuals with overseas Chinese capital, capital of
compatriots in the Hongkong and Macao regions or foreign capital and
Chinese corporations, enterprises or other economic entities.
Article 3
For all foreign exchange receipts and payments, enterprises with overseas
Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-foreign equity
joint ventures must act in accordance with the provisions in the Interim
Regulations on Foreign Exchange Control of the People's Republic of China
as well as these Rules.
Article 4
Enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and
Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures shall open Renminbi deposit accounts
and foreign exchange deposit accounts in China with the Bank of China or
its branch banks or any other banks approved by the State Administration
of Foreign Exchange Control (SAFEC) or its branch offices, payments and
receipts in these accounts being subject to the supervision of the bank
with which the enterprises have established accounts. When applying for
the opening of the accounts, the enterprises shall submit for verification
their business licenses issued by the State Administration for Industry
and Commerce of the People's Republic of China.
Article 5
The exploration fund and the fund for cooperative development and
cooperative production provided unilaterally by a foreign-capital
enterprise engaged in cooperative exploitation of offshore petroleum
resources in China are permitted to be deposited with the agreement of the
Chinese side in a bank, of a foreign country or of the Hongkong or Macao
Article 6
Should they find it necessary to open foreign exchange deposit accounts
with banks abroad or in the Hongkong and Macao regions other than the
accounts opened in accordance with Article 5 of these Rules, enterprises
with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-
foreign equity joint ventures shall apply to SAFEC or its branch offices
for approval. The enterprises concerned shall submit to SAFEC or its
branch offices quarterly statements of payments into and withdrawal from
such accounts within 30 days as of the end of each and every quarter.
Article 7
All foreign exchange receipts of enterprises maintaining foreign exchange
accounts with banks in China in accordance with Article 4 of these Rules,
must be deposited in the said accounts and all their foreign exchange
disbursements incurred in normal business operations can be effected
through these accounts.
Article 8
For the implementation of the petroleum operations specified in their
contracts, the foreign-capital enterprises engaged in cooperative
exploitation of offshore petroleum resources may pay directly outside
China wages, salaries, cost of procurements, various labour costs and
service charges to foreign workers and staff members, foreign
subcontractors and suppliers. The foreign workers and staff members and
foreign subcontractors shall pay taxes on their income derived from China
in accordance with the provisions of the tax law of the People's Republic
of China.
Article 9
Enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and
Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures shall submit within the prescribed
time limit to the SAFEC or its branch offices the following statements
with explanatory notes in detail:
(1) Balance sheet as of December 31 of the previous year, profit and loss
statement and statement of receipts and payments of foreign exchange for
the previous year shall be submitted before March 31 of each year, along
with audit reports by accountants registered in the People's Republic of
(2) Budget of foreign exchange receipts and payments for the coming year
shall be submitted before December 1 of each year (subsequent amendments,
if any, shall be reported immediately).
The SAFEC and its branch offices are authorized to request the enterprises
with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-
foreign equity joint ventures to provide information about their business
activities involving foreign exchange, and to check on their foreign
exchange incomes and expenditures.
Article 10
Any currency conversion of enterprises with overseas Chinese capital,
foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures must
be conducted according to the official rates of foreign exchange quoted by
the SAFEC; the export of the products of these enterprises may be dealt
with in accordance with the relevant provisions governing China's foreign
trade exchange conversions.
Article 11
Except where otherwise approved by the SAFEC or its branch offices, the
foreign exchange receipts realized from exports by the enterprises with
overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-foreign
equity joint ventures shall be transferred back and credited to their
foreign exchange deposit accounts with banks in China and the enterprises
shall also go through the procedure of cancelling their commitments for
foreign exchange receipts from these exports.
Article 12
Renminbi shall be used in the settlement of accounts between enterprises
with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises or Chinese-
foreign equity joint ventures on the one hand, and agencies, enterprises
(including enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital
enterprises, Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures), or individuals in
China on the other, except in the following cases:
(1) For products manufactured by these enterprises and sold to Chinese
entities or enterprises engaged in foreign trade which would otherwise
have to import, foreign currencies may be used in pricing and in
settlement of accounts, provided that prior approval by Chinese foreign
trade authorities has been obtained and that agreement on this arrangement
has been reached between seller and buyer; the prices of the products may
be such as to be commensurate with those current in world markets.
(2) If enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital
enterprises and Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures purchase, for the
sake of production, the commodities to be exported or imported by Chinese
entities engaged in foreign trade, foreign currencies may be used in
pricing the said commodities with reference to those current in world
markets and in settlement of accounts, with prior approval of Chinese
foreign trade authorities and arrangement between seller and buyer.
(3) Foreign currencies may be used in pricing and in the settlement of
accounts related to construction work performed by Chinese construction
entities according to contracts, provided that prior approval from the
SAFEC or its branch offices has been obtained.
(4) Other items which can be priced and settled in foreign currencies are
prescribed by the State Council or approved by the SAFEC or its branch
For all transactions which can be priced and settled in foreign currencies
as approved, the receipts and payments may be made through foreign
exchange deposit accounts.
Article 13
Overseas Chinese investors of enterprises with overseas Chinese capital or
foreign investors of foreign-capital enterprises or of Chinese-foreign
equity joint ventures may apply to the banks with which they have opened
accounts for remitting abroad their profits as well as other justified
earnings after taxation, by debiting the foreign exchange deposit accounts
of the enterprise concerned. At the time of application, the investors
concerned shall submit for examination the written decision on profit
distribution adopted by the board of directors or by another organ of
power equivalent to the board of directors, documentary evidence showing
that all taxes have been duly paid as well as the contracts containing
stipulations with regard to the distribution of profits or earnings.
Overseas Chinese investors of enterprises with overseas Chinese capital or
foreign investors of foreign-capital enterprises or of Chinese-foreign
equity joint ventures shall apply to the SAFEC or its branch offices for
transferring their foreign exchange capital abroad by debiting the foreign
exchange deposit accounts of the enterprises concerned.
Article 14
Enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and
Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures engaged in cooperative exploitation
of such resources as offshore petroleum and coal, and in other contractual
or equity joint ventures, whose capital is to be recovered and profits to
be realized in kind as stipulated in their contracts, may transport out of
China the products as their shares of recovered capital and realized
profits, but such enterprises shall remit back the amount of tax to be
paid in the People's Republic of China as well as other required payments.
If the products are to be sold within China, the case shall be handled in
accordance with provisions of Article 12 of these Rules, and the foreign
exchange proceeds derived from these sales may be remitted out after
taxation and other required payments.
Article 15
Staff members and workers of foreign nationality and those from the
Hongkong and Macao regions employed by enterprises with overseas Chinese
capital, foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-foreign equity joint
ventures may remit abroad their wages and other justified earnings, after
taxation according to law, and if the remittance exceeds 50% of their
wages and other earnings, they may apply to the SAFEC or its branch
offices. The amounts remitted shall all be debited to the foreign exchange
deposit accounts of the enterprises concerned.
Article 16
Foreign exchange expenses required in the normal business operations of
the branches or offices abroad or in the Hongkong and Macao regions set up
with the approval of competent authorities by enterprises with overseas
Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-foreign equity
joint ventures may be remitted to these branches or offices, debiting to
the foreign exchange deposit accounts of the enterprises concerned, with
the approval of the SAFEC or its branch offices.
Article 17
Enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises,
and Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures may borrow foreign exchange
directly from banks or enterprises of foreign countries or of the Hongkong
and Macao regions, but they must report such borrowing to the SAFEC or its
branch offices for the record.
Article 18
Enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and
Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures winding up operations in accordance
with legal procedures, shall carry out liquidation within the scheduled
period, under the joint supervision of China's finance, taxation and
foreign exchange control authorities. Overseas Chinese investors or
foreign investors shall be responsible for their taxes due and their
outstanding liabilities within China. After completion of the liquidation,
overseas Chinese investors and foreign investors may apply to the SAFEC or
its branch offices for remitting out the funds owned by or distributed to
them. And the remittance shall be debited to the foreign exchange accounts
of the liquidated enterprises.
Article 19
The measures to control foreign exchange receipts and payments of banks
with overseas Chinese capital, banks with foreign capital, Chinese-foreign
equity joint banks and other financial institutions shall be formulated by
the SAFEC separately.
Article 20
These Rules shall be promulgated and put into effect by the SAFEC upon
approval of the State Council.




Article 19 Transport Document Covering at Least Two Different Modes of Transport
第十九条 至少包括两种不同运输方式的运输单据
a. A transport document covering at least two different modes of transport (multimodal or combined transport document), however named, must appear to:
a. 至少包括两种不同运输方式的运输单据(即多式运输单据或联合运输单据),不论其称谓如何,必须在表明上看来:
i. indicate the name of the carrier and be signed by:
i. 显示承运人名称并由下列人员签署:
• the carrier or a named agent for or on behalf of the carrier, or
 承运人或承运人的具名代理或代表,或
• the master or a named agent for or on behalf of the master.
 船长或船长的具名代理或代表。
Any signature by the carrier, master or agent must be identified as that of the carrier, master or agent.
Any signature by an agent must indicate whether the agent has signed for or on behalf of the carrier or for or on behalf of the master.
ii. indicate that the goods have been dispatched, taken in charge or shipped on board at the place stated in the credit, by:
ii. 通过下述方式表明货物已在信用证规定的地点发运、接受监管或装载
• pre-printed wording, or
• a stamp or notation indicating the date on which the goods have been dispatched, taken in charge or shipped on board.
The date of issuance of the transport document will be deemed to be the date of dispatch, taking in charge or shipped on board, and the date of shipment. However, if the transport document indicates, by stamp or notation, a date of dispatch, taking in charge or shipped on board, this date will be deemed to be the date of shipment.
iii. indicate the place of dispatch, taking in charge or shipment and the place of final destination stated in the credit, even if:
iii. 显示信用证中规定的发运、接受监管或装载地点以及最终目的地的地点,即使:
a. the transport document states, in addition, a different place of dispatch, taking in charge or shipment or place of final destination, or
a. 运输单据另外显示了不同的发运、接受监管或装载地点或最终目的地的地点,或
b. the transport document contains the indication "intended" or similar qualification in relation to the vessel, port of loading or port of discharge.
b. 运输单据包含“预期”或类似限定有关船只、装货港或卸货港的指示。
iv. be the sole original transport document or, if issued in more than one original, be the full set as indicated on the transport document.
iv. 系仅有的一份正本运输单据,或者,如果出具了多份正本运输单据,应是运输单据中显示的全套正本份数。
v. contain terms and conditions of carriage or make reference to another source containing the terms and conditions of carriage (short form or blank back transport document). Contents of terms and conditions of carriage will not be examined.
v. 包含承运条件须参阅包含承运条件条款及条件的某一出处(简式或背面空白的运输单据)者,银行对此类承运条件的条款及条件内容不予审核。
vi. contain no indication that it is subject to a charter party.
vi. 未注明运输单据受租船合约约束。
b. For the purpose of this article, transhipment means unloading from one means of conveyance and reloading to another means of conveyance (whether or not in different modes of transport) during the carriage from the place of dispatch, taking in charge or shipment to the place of final destination stated in the credit.
b. 就本条款而言,转运意指货物在信用证中规定的发运、接受监管或装载地点到最终目的地的运输过程中,从一个运输工具卸下并重新装载到另一个运输工具上(无论是否为不同运输方式)的运输。
c. i. A transport document may indicate that the goods will or may be transhipped provided that the entire carriage is covered by one and the same transport document.
c. i. 只要同一运输单据包括运输全程,则运输单据可以注明货物将被转运或可被转运。.
ii. A transport document indicating that transhipment will or may take place is acceptable, even if the credit prohibits transhipment.
ii. 即使信用证禁止转运,银行也将接受注明转运将发生或可能发生的运输单据。
